Pioneer Works
Brand Identity / Website
Brand identity for the Pioneer Works, a cultural space for artists and scientists based in NewYork
Pioneer Works
Brand Identity / Website
VIEW PROJECT ︎︎︎Brand identity for the Pioneer Works, a cultural space for artists and scientists based in NewYork
pioneer playLab
Brand Identity / Creative Coding / Installation
pioneer playLab is a sub-identity under the main brand “Pioneer Works”, an annual event happening at Pioneer Works
pioneer playLab
Brand Identity / Creative Coding / Installation
VIEW PROJECT ︎︎︎pioneer playLab is a sub-identity under the main brand “Pioneer Works”, an annual event happening at Pioneer Works
General Electric
Brand Identity / Motion / Website
An identity system for the General Electric Company (GE), which is an American multinational company
General Electric
Brand Identity / Motion / Website
VIEW PROJECT ︎︎︎An identity system for the General Electric Company (GE), which is an American multinational company
Minimal Musikfestival
Brand Identity / Poster Design
An identity system for Minimal Musikfestival
Minimal Musikfestival
Brand Identity / Poster Design
VIEW PROJECT ︎︎︎An identity system for Minimal Musikfestival
Invisible Consequences
A zine, poster design, and website for the WCS , which is an organization to save wildlives and wildplaces
Invisible Consequences
A zine, poster design, and website for the WCS , which is an organization to save wildlives and wildplaces
Brand Identity
A rebranding project for “SHARPLE”, fashion and fabric company in Korea
Brand Identity
VIEW PROJECT ︎︎︎A rebranding project for “SHARPLE”, fashion and fabric company in Korea
Museum SAN
A website redesign for Museum SAN, which is one of the trendy museums in Korea
Museum SAN
A website redesign for Museum SAN, which is one of the trendy museums in Korea
A brand identity for chocolate brand and package design
A brand identity for chocolate brand and package design